Hoof care over 3,000 km away

KIPP TOP II Professional in Jordan >>


Hoof care is also an issue 3,000 km away from Waldneukirchen, at the Advanced Cow Farms Co. milking farm in Jordan.
With 1,500 cattle, the hooves have to be kept in good condition so that the cows stay fit and their milk yield is maintained, thus securing the yield.

However, hoof care already starts with the entry and also with the hoof trimming crush itself. And this is exactly where the farm had a lot of catching up to do.

With the old, self-made claw care stand, time-consuming manoeuvring of the animals occurred again and again, with a considerable risk of injury for man and animal.
The cows struggled when being fixed, the locking of the legs was done with a leather strap and the legs of the cattle were bent in a position that was not bearable for the animal.
The quality of care was poor and the animals were even limping after claw care.

A new care station with a quality hoof trimming crush had to be impelmented.
And so it happened that Mohamed Rahman - operator of Advanced Cow Farms Co. found what he was looking for at Rosensteiner.

After detailed consultation and coordination, the decision was made in favour of the tilting system -
KIPP TOP II Professional.

And the decision has paid off.

"Hoof trimming is much less stressful for the animals and above all for the hoof trimmer. Finally, there is no more risk of injury during the fixing and the hoof care itself. The locking of the legs is now so much easier and more animal-friendly that the claws can be worked on more precisely and cleanly. We haven't had any serious claw diseases since we started using the stand,"says Mohamed Rahman.

You can see that with the right hoof trimming crush and especially with a fixed care station, hoof trimming can be done quickly, safely and easily - even more than 3,000 km away in Jordan ;-)