Experience Rosensteiner live

Visit of the school HLBLA St. Florian >>

What are the differences between the drive-through system and the tilting system? What do I have to consider when setting up a hoof care station? How do I arrange a stress-free entry and exit of the animals?

These and many other questions were answered during the live presentation for the final class of the school HLBLA St. Florian.

Andreas Rosensteiner Sr. showed the students the different working methods on the two hoof care systems and what is important when setting up the stand in the barn so that the hoof care is as stress-free as possible for both the animals and the keeper. Having your own care space with a fixed walkway, a non-slip, level floor, light, water, electricity and tools that are within reach is the A.O. when trimming the hooves. These facts could be observed very well by the pupils in the show stable of the company Wasserbauer in Waldneukirchen. With a Rosensteiner hoof trimming stand, regardless of whether it's a drive-through or tilting system, hoof trimming becomes perfect - in other words, perfectly easy.